Each new post for discussion will include a cover image of the book plus a short summary of the title.  Included in the comments will be questions posed by library staff.  Teens are welcome to continue threads for these comments or add comments of their own regarding the title read.  Please read through all comments already made to limit the number of cross-postings.  Along with the above, please keep the following three guidelines in mind while participating in any discussions.

  1. Be Kind.  This blog is meant as entertainment only, anyone posting mean or derogatory comments will be blocked.
  2. Be honest.  If you chose to share comments or thoughts from another, please credit them for the material.
  3. Be safe.  Remember that this is an open forum, the library staff will make every effort to make sure that this space remains safe and positive, but please do your part.  No full names or contact information should be added to any comment.